Total Package Trolling for Fall Musky
Joe Bucher

Total Package Trolling for Fall Musky

So many of today's Midwestern musky anglers are diehard casters. Some even consider trolling taboo, but that certainly wouldn’t be me. My fishing education background is principally centered around the foundations of Buck Perry, stressing the basic fact that "the fish are either deep, shallow, or somewhere in between".

J Joe Bucher
Follow the Fall Transition for Southen Muskies
Steven Paul

Follow the Fall Transition for Southen Muskies

As we slip into October and November, the inevitable truth becomes clear: Summer is over. The long hot days and balmy nights will soon be replaced by brisk temperatures as our region slowly gives itself over to fall. The South definitely holds the cold at bay far longer than most places, but have no doubt that the change is coming. Fall in the South offers some amazing opportunities for trophy-class musky as long as you don’t get stuck in a summer state of mind.

S Steven Paul
Early Fall Topwater Tactics for Muskies
Joe Bucher

Early Fall Topwater Tactics for Muskies

Early autumn offers up one of the most unique times to test topwater baits, since a lot of muskies are bound to still be up in the shallows. Weed growth has peaked, providing ample shallow cover. Plus, the early transition from summer into fall triggers both baitfish and predators to slide out of deeper, open water up into these weeds and shallow rocks, making them very catchable. Tall, cresting weed tops also provide a high percentage situation for a topwater bait, since many sub-surface lures are bound to collect weeds.

J Joe Bucher
Fall Tactics for Monster Muskies
Joe Bucher

Fall Tactics for Monster Muskies

It has been written by many that experience is the best teacher, and I admit that I refer to past experiences quite often. No matter how much you glean from books, seminars and videos, nothing beats first-hand knowledge in any endeavor. When the subject is late fall muskies specifically, this simple aspect of practical experience can never be overstated.

J Joe Bucher
Outside the Box Thinking for Tough Fall Bites
Steven Paul

Outside the Box Thinking for Tough Fall Bites

The very nature of Fall is that of fluctuation and transition, shifting weather patterns are expected but can wreak havoc on our fall musky plans. Cold fronts, heavy rains, and a litany of other fall factors can slow that big bite, so it’s smart to have a backup plan in place. Keep in mind overcoming tough fall conditions isn’t always as simple as changing baits, it takes changing tactics and often a little creativity to put a musky in the net. So, let’s look at an “outside the box” trolling tactic that I turn to when fall conditions are less than stellar.

S Steven Paul
Fall Transition and Lake Turnover EXPLAINED
Musky 360

Fall Transition and Lake Turnover EXPLAINED

The transition from Summer to Fall can be a confusing time in Musky Fishing especially in colder climates where the transition is quite dramatic. When the fall transition is taking place in the air and landscape around you, imagine the same is taking place subsurface. Fall brings cooler water temps, dying vegetation, lake turnover, and a whole host of changes for underwater habitats. This extreme change can be encompassed into our "Fall Transition".

M Musky 360